Meet Doneit, a Task Manager You will Love! βœ…

Manage your tasks and projects of any complexity with Doneit.
Doneit app on Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch.
Document icon.
Organize Your Tasks

Organize Your Tasks by Categories, Tags, Priorities, Statuses, and More with Doneit

Arrows icon.
iCloud Sync and Sharing

Sync Your Tasks Across Multiple Apple Devices and Share Them with Others via iCloud

Lock icon.
Privacy Goes First

All of the Data in Doneit is Stored Locally on Your Device and Securely Synced via iCloud

Swatches icon.
Fully Native Design

Doneit will Always Look and Feel Right at Home on Any of Your Apple Devices

Easily Customize the Way You View Your Tasks πŸ‘€

Take a look at different tasks views that Doneit has on offer below.

Automate Your Tasks Management with List Actions ⚑️

Configure what happens when you add a task to a specific tasks list in Doneit.
Doneit list actions feature on iPad.

Trusted by Thousands of Users Around the Globe 🌍

Doneit helps thousands of users manage their various tasks and projects.
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What’s new in macOS Sonoma

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Best New Apps and Updates

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The Best Apps for watchOS 10

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Must-Have Productivity Apps

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Hot This Week

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Boost Your Productivity

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Apps We Love

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Plan Your Next Step

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Flexible Pricing Model to Fit Your Needs πŸ’°

Doneit offers a variety of pricing options for the full flexibility.
$0 / year
Use Doneit completely for free with these amazing features forever.
Checkmark circle icon.
Unlimited Tasks
Checkmark circle icon.
iCloud Sync
Checkmark circle icon.
4 Different Tasks Views
X-mark circle icon.
Unlimited Categories
X-mark circle icon.
Advanced Board View
X-mark circle icon.
iCloud Sharing
X-mark circle icon.
Recurring Reminders
X-mark circle icon.
Priorities & Statuses
$9.99 / year *
Upgrade to Doneit Premium to take your tasks management to the whole new level.
Checkmark circle icon.
Everything in Free
Checkmark circle icon.
Unlimited Categories
Checkmark circle icon.
Advanced Board View
Checkmark circle icon.
iCloud Sharing
Checkmark circle icon.
Recurring Reminders
Checkmark circle icon.
Priorities & Statuses
Checkmark circle icon.
Access to Tags
Checkmark circle icon.
Task Attachments
$0 / lifetime
Use Doneit completely for free with these amazing features forever.
Checkmark circle icon.
Unlimited Tasks
Checkmark circle icon.
iCloud Sync
Checkmark circle icon.
4 Different Tasks Views
X-mark circle icon.
Unlimited Categories
X-mark circle icon.
Advanced Board View
X-mark circle icon.
iCloud Sharing
X-mark circle icon.
Recurring Reminders
X-mark circle icon.
Priorities & Statuses
$19.99 / lifetime *
Upgrade to Doneit Premium to take your tasks management to the whole new level.
Checkmark circle icon.
Everything in Free
Checkmark circle icon.
Unlimited Categories
Checkmark circle icon.
Advanced Board View
Checkmark circle icon.
iCloud Sharing
Checkmark circle icon.
Recurring Reminders
Checkmark circle icon.
Priorities & Statuses
Checkmark circle icon.
Access to Tags
Checkmark circle icon.
Task Attachments

Ready to Transform the Way You Manage Your Tasks? πŸ’―

Download and use Doneit completely for free forever. You can always try out Doneit Premium at no cost at all.
Doneit App Store link.